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adnauseam's Articles In Politics » Page 2
May 6, 2006 by adnauseam
As the embattled Tony Blair shuffles his cabinet after disastrous Labour party losses in council elections,I wonder if he realises that the Scots, always prominent in Westminster politics, are quietly making a run towards total rule of the "Sassenachs"! Consider the following facts and judge whether you think there is no Scottish "coup" in the offing: There is no doubt that "Oor Dour Gordon" Brown will take over from Blair. The Chancellor is the "Heir Apparent" and will, eventually be T...
April 26, 2006 by adnauseam
I believe the Blair government is heading for a fall. I don't know when but every day brings new revelations about incompetence or indiscretion. If I were headmaster Tony I would really have a talk with my staff (i.e. cabinet). Look at the record of one week in the life of a cabinet: # Tony and company have a failing NHS on their hands. # Patricia Hewitt has nurses on her back. # Tessa Jowell has a husband who is accused of impropriety. # Prescott is sleeping with a secretary. # Tony...
January 21, 2006 by adnauseam
I am naturally a person who worries a lot. I worry about all sorts of things: the big and the small. I worry about my electricity consumption every month. But that pales in comparison to the bigger worries I have about the World in general. Where are we going? Here are the things I worry about and comments from JU bloggers are welcome: * I worry about countries like Syria. Their ruler Assad brushes aside any criticism of his role in the Lebanon Prime Minister's death. This man is openly defi...
December 16, 2005 by adnauseam
Many Joeuser readers will note that I harp on about Zimbabwe. This is because I have so many ex-Rhodesian and ex-Zimbabwean friends. They are, all of them, mourning for a country that was once prosperous and supplied fruit, vegetables, maize and tobacco (1971: biggest tobacco producer in Africa). Please read the link I have supplied to gain more insight into the Zimbabwean situation. Here are some facts about modern day Zimbabwe that you will find interesting: * One USD (the mighty D...
December 6, 2005 by adnauseam
The young David Cameron, MP for Whitney, became the new Tory leader today. He is a confident, sincere and tough politician. He speaks with authority in the Commons and he pulls no punches. The big question is: Is he tough enough, honest enough and capable enough to remove Blair and Brown? The young Tony Blair, as opposition leader, sounded just like Cameron three elections ago. Youthful vigour, confident speeches and a no-nonsense approach were his forte. It went far and the British came u...
November 19, 2005 by adnauseam
What can be done about Iraq? MERNEWS editorial. By MERNEWS Iraq is in a mess--a real mess. MERNEWS believes that this mess can be sorted out but it is going to cost a fortune. Why are terrorists (kindly called insurgents), still pouring into this country? Why are car bombs still going off daily? MERNEWS reports that if Bill Clinton is worried and criticizes the Bush administration for errors in Iraq, then we are hearing from someone who speaks with authority. Clinton (speaking in Dub...
November 12, 2005 by adnauseam
Answers (Carefully researched and documented on many sites) 1.Which other President was decorated for service in WW2? ---George H.W. Bush 2.Which 2 Presidents were assassinated in the 20th Century? ---Easy one: Mc Kinley and JFK. 3.How many Presidents were Generals before being elected President? ---Easy again: IKE 4.Which President was never elected President by popular vote? ---Easy Again. Ford. 5.Which two Presidents were born with different surnames? ---Not so easy: Clinton (Wil...
November 8, 2005 by adnauseam
I love Americana and I have an extensive library of books, although I have never been to the US. Here's a quiz on Presidents. Try to answer off the bat. Most are easy but I've tried to throw in one or two puzzlers: All the answers apply to the 20th Century only! * Which President, other than JFK and Ike, was decorated for service in WW2? * Which two presidents were assassinated in the twentieth Century? * How many presidents were Generals before taking up office? (20th Century only). * ...
November 4, 2005 by adnauseam
Last week's London Sunday Times has an editorial and a full page article on Robert Mugabe, the fool who runs tinpot Zimbabwe. The Times editorial wonders (rightly), why Mugabe was allowed to fly to Rome last week to attend the 60 th anniversary of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation. Now MERNEWS has a problem with that too! How can a senile old man, subject to sanctions by the UN itself, be flown by Kofi Annan to Rome just so that Mugabe could rant and rave at George Bush and Tony Blair?...
October 29, 2005 by adnauseam
Personally, I think Dubya's news conference yesterday (28-10), was a disappointment. He threw out all the old cliches about 9/11 and terrorism and how America was making itself safe. He should have thrown a nasty, full-on curve ball at Syria and Iran. All he did was mention them in passing. Had he been told to hold his tongue by his advisors? Did he decide to play a waiting game? He said (rough quote):"Countries like Iran and Syria are not helping the movement against terrorism." Sheeit,...
June 27, 2005 by adnauseam
Robert Mugabe is not an evil person. He is just completely stupid. Here is a man who took over one of the breadbaskets of Africa (Erstwhile Rhodesia was the biggest tobacco producer in Africa and a major exporter of maize and sorghum.) Now they have nothing in Zimbabwe. They rely on aid and that aid goes to Mugabe supporters. Mugabe is intent on raping his country and proving that the British (whom he hates with a passion), are the one's responsible. This old idiot has brought his countriy to...
May 14, 2005 by adnauseam
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March 19, 2005 by adnauseam
It is all very well for Tony Blair to say his party has moved Britain forward. His sidekick, Mr Broon (sic), has praised himself and his party for wonders done for the aged, disabled, the unemployed, the old age pensioners, companies, the NHS et al. His new vote-grabbing budget sounds attractive to many. And they, (Labour),have done wonders. I truthfully believe that Britain (bringing down unemployment deserves major kudos), is on the right course---in some areas. However, there are some...
March 10, 2005 by adnauseam
Tony Blair could be in for a rude shock come election time. His labour government is making fluff after fluff and I believe they are on shaky ground. Michael Howard is not a Churchillian wonderman but, like a demented fox terrier, he does not back down. His tenacious character shows that he is not pulled in by the Blair charisma so he is able to aim at the weak spots, or the underbelly, of labour. Howard has been given a whip by labourites and you cannot blame him for seeking to lash out a...
March 3, 2005 by adnauseam
What is the World going to do about the DRC? Today, Medecins Sans Frontieres, a group of doctors providing medical help in the DRC and many other countries, has released details about mass rapes in the Northern Provinces near Uganda and Rwanda. Another news release this week mentions murders, torture and rape of the Congolese people. Perpetrators are "troops", "rebels" "Militia" and "God knows who else". I, and countless others, have nagged relentlessly about the continuing bloodbath in th...