Political and topical news and commentary
It's virtually impossible.
Published on December 16, 2005 By adnauseam In Politics
Many Joeuser readers will note that I harp on about Zimbabwe. This is because I have so many ex-Rhodesian and ex-Zimbabwean friends. They are, all of them, mourning for a country that was once prosperous and supplied fruit, vegetables, maize and tobacco (1971: biggest tobacco producer in Africa).

Please read the link I have supplied to gain more insight into the Zimbabwean situation.

Here are some facts about modern day Zimbabwe that you will find interesting:

* One USD (the mighty Dollar) equals 76 252 Zimbabwean dollars as per todays rates. This might buy a loaf of bread.
* Fuel is so expensive that only the wealthy can afford to fill up.
* News reports say 700 000 are homeless due to Mugabe's " clean-up trash" campaign. The figure is probably closer to one million.
* Comrade Robert (reports MERNEWS), has taken his country from Africa's tenth richest nation in 1980 to Africa's tenth poorest in 2005.
* Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the MDC, the main opposition party, is virtually close to expulsion from his party because he cannot find a solution to over-throwing Mugabe.
* Farms that produced 80 percent of Zimbabwe's revenue now produce 5 percent. One tobacco farm that produced Maize and vegetables as well as tobacco, now boasts of maize stalks 50 cm high. The inept farmers of this once white farm cannot survive on its poor maize harvest alone.
* There would be a revolution in Zimbabwe if it were closer to the North but Mbeki of South Africa would damp it down within weeks.

Zimbabweans are poor, frustrated and helpless and to crown it all Mugabe has now banned aid agencies.Jan Egelund of the UN is out as are many other NGO's.

I pity, as do many others, the ruthless way a senile old man has turned Zimbabwe from a green garden to a desert of economic woe.

on Dec 16, 2005
I don't know what to say.

If we sit back and do nothing, we will be considered cruel people that don't care for the well being of those who are suffering. We will be considered immoral for not doing the right thing.

But if we do something about, which would be somehow remove Mugabe from power, it would most likely require a military influence. It's obvious that a Diplomatic Solution will be a waste of time, but must be done anyways in order to justify using force. But then we will be considered opportunist, only wanting to help with the intentions of getting something in return, like tabacco. We will be considered arrogant for wanting to push our ideas simply because we don't agree with the style of management of others. We will be considered power hungey monsters for requiring the use of force to change the Govt of a country.

It's a lose lose situation for us Americans when it comes to helping others aroudn the world. We will never be seen as a country that wants to help because its the right thinsg to do. Somehow somewhere there has to be a benefit and therefor the only reason for doing it.

I feel for what you are trying to point out. But if the rest of the world does not make an effort to help as well, we will only dig a deeper hole in the ground for ourselves. In the eyes of the wrold nothing good can come from an American response
on Dec 16, 2005
I don't know what to say.

If we sit back and do nothing, we will be considered cruel people that don't care for the well being of those who are suffering. We will be considered immoral for not doing the right thing.

But if we do something about, which would be somehow remove Mugabe from power, it would most likely require a military influence. It's obvious that a Diplomatic Solution will be a waste of time, but must be done anyways in order to justify using force. But then we will be considered opportunist, only wanting to help with the intentions of getting something in return, like tabacco. We will be considered arrogant for wanting to push our ideas simply because we don't agree with the style of management of others. We will be considered power hungey monsters for requiring the use of force to change the Govt of a country.

It's a lose lose situation for us Americans when it comes to helping others aroudn the world. We will never be seen as a country that wants to help because its the right thinsg to do. Somehow somewhere there has to be a benefit and therefor the only reason for doing it.

I feel for what you are trying to point out. But if the rest of the world does not make an effort to help as well, we will only dig a deeper hole in the ground for ourselves. In the eyes of the world nothing good can come from an American response
on Dec 16, 2005

A very compelling set of statistics.  And like you, I do have a friend there.  It is a crying shame, but like DJ said, there is not much America can do.

BTW:  The link gets a 404.

on Dec 16, 2005
Please don't tell Bush Zimbabwe is in such dire straits--he might launch and invasion.
on Dec 17, 2005
Please don't tell Bush Zimbabwe is in such dire straits--he might launch and invasion.

Naw, they don't have oil