Political and topical news and commentary
Spin, corruption, lies, foolish statements, foolish acts.
Published on April 26, 2006 By adnauseam In Politics
I believe the Blair government is heading for a fall. I don't know when but every day brings new revelations about incompetence or indiscretion. If I were headmaster Tony I would really have a talk with my staff (i.e. cabinet). Look at the record of one week in the life of a cabinet:

# Tony and company have a failing NHS on their hands.
# Patricia Hewitt has nurses on her back.
# Tessa Jowell has a husband who is accused of impropriety.
# Prescott is sleeping with a secretary.
# Tony is sleeping with an overdraft.
# Tony's wife has illusions of grandeur.
# Cherie Blair's hairdresser has illusions of grandeur.
# Charles Clarke lets foreigners out of jail to rape the countryside.
# Reid is in Afghanistan to tell Brit soldiers how to die.
# Gordon Brown is trying to improve his image (what image?).
# Scotland seems to be doing better than England--at everything!

It's going downhill Tony. Just like John Major's Britain. Whether David Cameron can do better I'm still not sure. Watch this space.

on Apr 26, 2006
Probably not.  But that will not prevent the voters from making the change, and the politicians from trying (to do better).