Political and topical news and commentary
Why doesn't someone do something about this Evil Dictator?
Published on November 4, 2005 By adnauseam In Politics
Last week's London Sunday Times has an editorial and a full page article on Robert Mugabe, the fool who runs tinpot Zimbabwe. The Times editorial wonders (rightly), why Mugabe was allowed to fly to Rome last week to attend the 60 th anniversary of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation. Now MERNEWS has a problem with that too! How can a senile old man, subject to sanctions by the UN itself, be flown by Kofi Annan to Rome just so that Mugabe could rant and rave at George Bush and Tony Blair? He accused them of being "unholy" and responsible for hunger in the world! Comrade General Mugabe, who is consistently trying to out-do the ex- Scottish King Idi Amin, is becoming a laughing stock and an absurd, but vicious dictator,and he should ask the 700 000 people rendered homeless in his country, whether they enjoy their Rat scraps under the moonlight.Mugabe, no doubt, feasted on champagne and Filet Mignon in Rome. His wife,notorious for her spending soirees in Johannesburg, must have enjoyed shopping in Rome, known for its top of the range leather products and fashion houses.

This News agency has two serious questions to ask: What prompted the UN to spend thousands of dollars flying Mr and Mrs M to Rome when no aid agencies are welcome in Zimbabwe to provide succour to thousands of starving people? Second, Why does Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa not move to alleviate some of the pain of those suffering?

There may, of course, be a second agenda here and perhaps Mbeki is pouring free food into Zimbabwe--- to be enjoyed only by the supporters of the Great Bullsh**er himself.We say to the King, Sovereign and Honourable Second Class Duke, Kaiser of nothing, Emperor of Bleakness and Earl of Poverty: Watch out Old Man. Unlike Idi, you could be swimming in an Arab resort, face down.

on Nov 04, 2005
Sorry, I should explain that MERNEWS is entirely my own creation. It is a News agency with no Reuters aspirations at all and we rely on feed from Newspapers, E-news and TV updates. At present it is crude and having birthpangs and should be regarded as an experiment. However, MERNEWS (THE MIDDLE EAST ENGLISH REACTION TO NEWS) is non-reactionary and non-controversial---unless it gets up off its butt and does something exceptional. MERNEWS will have its own site soon!