Political and topical news and commentary
Tony is actually fighting for his political life.
Published on March 10, 2005 By adnauseam In Politics
Tony Blair could be in for a rude shock come election time. His labour government is making fluff after fluff and I believe they are on shaky ground. Michael Howard is not a Churchillian wonderman but, like a demented fox terrier, he does not back down. His tenacious character shows that he is not pulled in by the Blair charisma so he is able to aim at the weak spots, or the underbelly, of labour.

Howard has been given a whip by labourites and you cannot blame him for seeking to lash out at the bare back of a stumbling government. Here are the weak points Michael Howard has pinpointed and gained Tory votes from:

* The Iraq venture. No matter what anyone says Iraq is another Mogadishu.
* The NHS: Blair has done wonders but there are kinks in his armour i.e. quality control on health, something that has slipped no matter what John Reid says. Neglect a patient or two in Britain and you're all over the papers.
* Belmarsh et al: Why can't Mr Clarke and his lackeys find a an acceptable policy to handle terrorists, threats and suspicious behaviour without hedging around what the British public think. This smacks of the headmaster who does not know how to handle a difficult pupil.
* The Irish peace process:Tony is not trying hard enough.
* Immigration: Howard has a solution that is needed in a country that has been too soft on asylum seekers. Tony has no answer.

History will tell you that when Churchill was at the height of his popularity, he was voted out of office. British people do that. The man who gathers too many arrows in his chest usually falls down.

on Mar 10, 2005
Yes, anyone in politics has to decide early on which is more important to them, to stand up for what they believe or to do what they can to get votes. For the good or the bad of it, the two are general mutually exclusive. The vote whore usually gets less accomplished, but has more longevity. ;~D

Thanks for the view from the other side of the pond!
on Mar 10, 2005

Guess news travels slow in GB, but Iraq is a resounding sucess.  Even the Opposition here in the colonies are grudginly conceding that point.

You might want to tune into some non-Blair bashing news sources for your world opinion.

on Mar 10, 2005
Any deviation form a Blair government will be bad for business. Tony Blair is a great friend of mine and one of the most accomplished statesman Britain has ever had. A man who can charm the Europeans and still have some Bush.

Iraq is a major sucess and it is only a matter of time before we turn it into a quasi-Western country where we can make lots of money indeed.
on Mar 10, 2005

Reply By: General MaxwellPosted: Thursday, March 10, 2005

Glad to see you back, SPM

on Mar 10, 2005
"Glad to see you back, SPM"

I have not fully returned to JoeUser, but when I saw an article on UK politics (being a major political force here in the UK myself) I rather fancied I would comment.
on Mar 10, 2005
It's ironic, those of us that elected the left wing labour party back in the day did so because the conservatives had just gotten out of hand with their corruption and poor policy. Now the same people want to get the right wing labour party out for their neverending series of mammoth mistakes, and the apparently more left leaning conservative party back in power, where they'll probably remain until they screw things up so badly again that labour gets back in. Whatever happened to the NDP?
on Mar 10, 2005
Whatever happened to the NDP?

It was indicted for corruption.
on Mar 10, 2005
Seriously? That's hilarious. Who is the third major party in the UK now? I moved away some years ago, and am not completely up to date on British political matters outside of current events. It would be a huge shame if my home land had moved to a useless two party system like the US. I watched a show once, I can't remember what it was, but there were two candidates for the American presidency on opposing parties, one was called Jack Johnson, and the other was John Jackson. They were clones of eachother, and at the presidential debate, one of them would say something, then the other one would say, "I disagree", and repeat what the other had said, just slightly reworded. It was funny, whatever it was, it may have been a cartoon on the Adult Swim network.
on Mar 11, 2005
"Who is the third major party in the UK now?"

The Liberal Democrats, although they are a bunch of Cappuccino drinking pink-jumpered poofters. They are led by the Scottish Charles Kennedy.
on Mar 11, 2005
Futurama!!! I love that cartoon. Definitely underappreciated.

Jack Johnson: I say your three cent titanium tax goes too far
John Jackson: And I say your three cent titanium tax doesn't go too far enough
on Mar 11, 2005
Great comments guys. Thanks.
on Mar 12, 2005
No matter what anyone says Iraq is another Mogadishu.

Wow -

There's a serious case of intellectual blindness - might want to get on down to the NHS & get on disability straight away. Surely that's industrial disease.

Thanks for bringing us up to date, at least, on the tribulations of our Torie forefathers' descendants.

on Mar 13, 2005
Well, Iraq is contentious, of course. For those who say the allied forces are winning in Iraq, let me say: Ask the Iraquis. I believe the country is still in disaster mode and it is going to take years before the troops can withdraw. If anything results in Tony B. being voted out of office, Iraq will be high on the "critical list".
on Mar 13, 2005
Well, Iraq is contentious, of course. For those who say the allied forces are winning in Iraq, let me say: Ask the Iraquis.

They did ask the Iraqis, and they turned out to vote! Even the Sunnis who shortsightedly "boycotted" the election are now saying that they want to be involved now.