Political and topical news and commentary
I worry when..
Published on January 21, 2006 By adnauseam In Politics
I am naturally a person who worries a lot. I worry about all sorts of things: the big and the small. I worry about my electricity consumption every month. But that pales in comparison to the bigger worries I have about the World in general. Where are we going? Here are the things I worry about and comments from JU bloggers are welcome:
* I worry about countries like Syria. Their ruler Assad brushes aside any criticism of his role in the Lebanon Prime Minister's death. This man is openly defiant.
* I worry about Iran. Their ruler Ahmedjinebad curses Israel and sticks a finger up to everyone about his country's nuclear ambitions.More defiant you cannot get.
* I worry more when Ahmedjinebad visits Syria on his first tour abroad. Here isa conniving little duet for you!
* I worry that the USA will not have sufficient resources to keep a balance of power in the Middle East because they are over-extended in Iraq.
* I worry about the outcome of Iraq's elections. Sunni and Shiite factions are, and remain, so volatile.
* I worry about whether the UN has the capability, the will and the strength to assist the peoples of Darfur, The Ivory Coast and the other countries in Africa that require immediate aid, political intervention and calming.
* I worry about the problems in Nigeria's oilfields. The banditry in that country is out of hand and Obesanjo needs to put his foot down instead of trying to mediate in other corrupt countries in West Africa.
* I worry, too, that there will be no peace between Israeli and Palestinian, even though children from both sides have been seen playing peacefully with one another (football).
* I worry that the World is in a bigger mess in 2006 than it was in 1939, at the beginning of World war 2.
* And, I also worry that no-one is statesman-like enough to solve our problems in 2006.

Perhaps I should be optimistic and hope that there may be some solutions for the World. But it looks pretty dark right now.

on Jan 21, 2006
In every life we have some trouble

But when you worry you make it double

Don't worry, be happy.
on Jan 21, 2006

You worry, but what do you do?

You can worry your life away about things you have no control over.  Or you can just hope that those that have power over them are doing the right thing (so far so good).  And stop letting worry run your life.  Even those I do not trust to have my best interests at heart, when in a position of power, I do trust them to have their best interests at heart, and that often is mine as well.

on Jan 25, 2006
I worry that the USA will not have sufficient resources to keep a balance of power in the Middle East because they are over-extended in Iraq. a real worry.