Political and topical news and commentary
Crack the whip buddy!
Published on October 29, 2005 By adnauseam In Politics
Personally, I think Dubya's news conference yesterday (28-10), was a disappointment. He threw out all the old cliches about 9/11 and terrorism and how America was making itself safe.
He should have thrown a nasty, full-on curve ball at Syria and Iran. All he did was mention them in passing. Had he been told to hold his tongue by his advisors? Did he decide to play a
waiting game? He said (rough quote):"Countries like Iran and Syria are not helping the movement against terrorism." Sheeit, like the Texan he is he should have laid down the law."
Get your Iranian and Syrian houses in order," he should have said." Who the **** do you think you are?" OK, he could have said it better: " Your (Iranian) comment on Israel
is an unwelcome aggravation in a world that does need aggravation at the present time. Can we discuss it? Are you sure you want to stir up a hornet's nest because we don't approve
of your nuclear ambitions either?

To Syria he should have said: " After the events in Lebanon, we cannot trust you. Are you sure there are no insurgents crossing your borders into Iraq?"

Then he should have said: " I'm no Mickey Mouse. If you want to play hardball, we'll play. If we find you are the most unstabilising factors (Iran and Syria), in our aims to stabilise Iraq, we'll hit you
hit you with sanctions and treat you like polecats. If that don't work, we'll come down on your heads like a category 5 hurricane and wipe your faces in the detritus. If you think all our
forces are deployed already, give usa chance to show you the opposite.

Seriously, Dubya is in deep but he must convince Presidents Assad and Albajamud(?) that they are playing with more than a Californian forest fire!

Is Dubya being cautious or does he have an ace up his sleeve?

on Oct 29, 2005
Due to all the insanity going on with the white house and in the white house, I believe G.W. is being overly cautious.
on Oct 29, 2005

I disagree with my esteeemed collegue Moderateman.  He is merely exercising diplomacy.  Unlike Albajamud(?) .

IN poker, one does not declare their hand before the bet is final.

on Oct 29, 2005
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Saturday, October 29, 2005I disagree with my esteeemed collegue Moderateman. He is merely exercising diplomacy. Unlike Albajamud(?) .IN poker, one does not declare their hand before the bet is final.

basically we are saying the same thing doc, so we are in agreement,"overly cautious" is playing your cards close to the vest.
on Oct 29, 2005

basically we are saying the same thing doc, so we are in agreement,"overly cautious" is playing your cards close to the vest.

Disclaimer: This is not meant for all that agree with one another, just the 2 parties in this discussion.

AH!  I see!  Then I retract my disagreement and agree and offer my appologies for not having read Moderateman closer.  I was unclear on the "overly Cautious".  But you are right!

p.s.  Am I getting the hang on this disclaimer stuff?  I think I need more work.