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adnauseam's Articles In Current Events » Page 8
December 23, 2005 by adnauseam
have said before that Saddam Hussein should not be tried in Iraq. I say it again. The trial is fast becoming a farce as Saddam continues to insist that he has been tortured---as have some of the other accused. We are now subjected to shows of "tennis elbow", minor scratches and a singular lack of evidence that anyone could have abused the men behind the barrier. How we wish that their victims had only suffered "tennis elbow". (I allude of course to one of the accused exposing his elbow on TV ...
December 8, 2005 by adnauseam
Comrade Robert Mugabe, eternal president (no capitals deserved), of Zimbabwe, Great mongoose of Africa, Heavenly God of nothing, King of disaster mismanagement etc. etc. has refused tents from the UN to house the 700 000 rendered homeless by his " Clear Out Trash" campaign. Jan Egelund, UN Under-Secretary for Humanitarian Affairs, a man I greatly admire, has been touring Zimbabwe and has offered to give the crippled government tents for the homeless who were evicted/hounded out, by the "C...
September 9, 2005 by adnauseam
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June 22, 2005 by adnauseam
Britain: Tuesday: 21 June 2005. The Daily Express reported today that people have a "helpline" if they want to report "sneaky smokers", i.e. smokers who try to sneak a quick puff in a banned area. Nothing wrong with telling smokers off if they smoke in a non-smoking area. We smokers go along with this. What we do not go with is the fact that we may be spied upon, tittle-tattled upon and looked upon as social outcasts. If we are going to be reported so that we have to be fined then I think ...
November 2, 2004 by adnauseam
The British media is full of the Queen's visit to Germany. The papers (like the Daily Express), have headlines blaring: " The Germans say you should apologise for the war Your Majesty! I hope that Bild Zeitung and the British papers have it all wrong---in fact, I hope this is just cheap publicity to sell newspapers. No way is my Queen going to apologise for the destruction of Dresden when Adolf and his chums screwed Poland and killed 3 or so Million Jews. No way! My father fought for King ...
June 30, 2004 by adnauseam
The USA is due to hand over Saddam Hussein to the Iraqi authorities any day now. Little information has been given out by authorities as to Saddam’s whereabouts at present, but we are led to believe that he is secure in Iraq. If he is, the forces in Iraq deserve a medal. That country is in turmoil and close to blast-off. How they could have concealed him in the country and kept it ultra-secret is a puzzle to me. However, we are never sure of anything so he could have been at Guantanamo...