Political and topical news and commentary
..with a sprinkling of mirth.
Published on June 30, 2004 By adnauseam In Current Events

The USA is due to hand over Saddam Hussein to the Iraqi authorities any day now. Little information has been given out by authorities as to Saddam’s whereabouts at present, but we are led to believe that he is secure in Iraq. If he is, the forces in Iraq deserve a medal. That country is in turmoil and close to blast-off. How they could have concealed him in the country and kept it ultra-secret is a puzzle to me.

However, we are never sure of anything so he could have been at Guantanamo (senior citizens section), or in Europe (grand five star hotel luxury ). Of course he could have been kept “captive” in South Africa, a country which is not averse to looking after the beggars and has-beens of the World. I hope not because the country is far too comfortable for dictators and ex-Presidents. If you had an official form that asked you to choose between a Mercedes 500S and a BMW 745, would you not feel comfortable? You might also have a choice of heated pool or one with Spring water. The possibilities are endless.

However, Saddam could be in Portugal which may be depressing. I mean, they don’t exactly have a varied diet. It’s fish, fish and more fish. If he likes fish it could be rewarding but if he doesn’t, peri-peri chicken may be on offer. If the chicken is a no-no he could starve in Portugal. They might also torture him with endless recordings of Fado music which is guaranteed to make him look for his cut-throat razor. Well, never mind, he may like the soccer on the telly.

I cannot mention every country in the World but I’m sure President H. would not like the DRC (Cassava for breakfast, lunch and dinner), or Vietnam (rice for breakfast etc.). Mind you, he could be in Haiti, sucking on mangoes and plotting to take over. After all, take-overs there are as common as falling coconuts. Speaking of coconuts, he may be held captive in Mauritius. Just imagine, he could be surrounded by beach girls in minute thongs pouring pina coladas down his throat and massaging copious amounts of suntan oil into his ancient skin. Boy, that Saddam could be having a ball.

Getting serious now: Wherever he is, he is going to come home to roost and that is very worrying. The Interim government better have every security precaution available if they are going to have to provide protection for President H.

He (and his protectors), will have to contend with three factions: Those who want to free him, those who want to lynch him, and those, in their wisdom, who want to see him go on trial.

Oh dear, it could be another mess. And Iraq is not your everyday mess. Hope Rummy knows what he’s doing.


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