Political and topical news and commentary
Is the media conning us?
Published on November 2, 2004 By adnauseam In Current Events
The British media is full of the Queen's visit to Germany. The papers (like the Daily Express), have headlines blaring: " The Germans say you should apologise for the war Your Majesty! I hope that Bild Zeitung and the British papers have it all wrong---in fact, I hope this is just cheap publicity to sell newspapers.

No way is my Queen going to apologise for the destruction of Dresden when Adolf and his chums screwed Poland and killed 3 or so Million Jews. No way! My father fought for King and country against an evil megalomaniac with a chip on his shoulder.

No way am I going to see an essence of an apology. What is this? Just now Americans will be saying sorry to Osama bin Laden.

Your Majesty, say kind things, use tactful words---but never, ever, apologise for a tyrant's mistakes. Sixty years have past and we are not going to turn the tide of blame.

If we do I'm going to have a lot to say about it.

Son of a war hero."

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