Political and topical news and commentary
Mugabe turns down offer of tents.
Published on December 8, 2005 By adnauseam In Current Events
Comrade Robert Mugabe, eternal president (no capitals deserved), of Zimbabwe, Great mongoose of Africa, Heavenly God of nothing, King of disaster mismanagement etc. etc. has refused tents from the UN to house the 700 000 rendered homeless by his " Clear Out Trash" campaign.

Jan Egelund, UN Under-Secretary for Humanitarian Affairs, a man I greatly admire, has been touring Zimbabwe and has offered to give the crippled government tents for the homeless who were evicted/hounded out, by the "Clean-Up" campaign.

"No", says Minister George Cheramba," tents are not in our culture. We are not tent people. The UN should provide permanent shelter for our people."

The minister, who no doubt drives a large Mercedes Benz and has a pool in his back garden, is obviously not aware that tent life can be quite comfortable. Actually, some 700 000 people would find them more than comfortable after sleeping in the rain, the cold and the lack of sanitation, water or food. Mr Egelund must be quite frustrated as tents are only a first phase in helping people who have nothing. He offers food, health aid and fresh water too. Senile Mugabe feels these things are not necessary for human survival. His people are well-fed and supported by large harvests of grain (while incompetent farmers fruitlessly try to till the same land that produced the biggest tobacco crop in Africa!), and the maize crop is weaker than His Majesty himself.

Honestly, I, like Mr Egelund, am frustrated by the fact that Idi Amin The Second continues to drive his once wealthy country into the dust. I can't even find a solution, for that great country is, for want of a good word, buggered!

I can tell you this though: Lesotho, Mocambique and Swaziland thrive whilst Zimbabwe weeps. And they were once in its shadow.

on Dec 08, 2005

"No", says Minister George Cheramba," tents are not in our culture. We are not tent people. The UN should provide permanent shelter for our people."

I think this falls under the heading of "Beggars cant be choosy".

on Dec 08, 2005
See, I come from the other side of the fence on this. I DETEST Egelund and most of what he stands for. Frankly, I think the tents were far more of an offering than was deserved when one considers they were purchased from "protection" money that nations pay as tribute to the UN.

But, political ideologies aside, this is what I see as a fundamental problem of public charity. Whether it be individuals refused aid because of their low caste status in India or temporary housing refused in Zimbabwe, political stupidity is acting as the cief barrier to helping the impoverished individuals worldwide.
on Dec 08, 2005
Robert Mugabe and Mayor Ray "School Bus" Nagin (formerly of New Orleans) should get together sometime. ;~D
on Dec 08, 2005
Robert Mugabe and Mayor Ray "School Bus" Nagin (formerly of New Orleans) should get together sometime.

And Marie Antoinette can serve cake.
on Dec 09, 2005
Frankly, I think the tents were far more of an offering than was deserved when one considers they were purchased from "protection" money that nations pay as tribute to the UN.

I know Egelund is not the brightest boy on the block but I admire his interest, skewed or not. However, Gideon, I don't get the " far more of an offering than deserved" bit. Please elucidate: Are you saying the government of Zim does not deserve tents, or the people themselves?
on Dec 09, 2005
However, Gideon, I don't get the " far more of an offering than deserved" bit. Please elucidate: Are you saying the government of Zim does not deserve tents, or the people themselves?

I am saying that mugging people for "charity" money isn't charity, it's EXTORTION. And I'm saying that the UN "dues" are nothing more than organized crime at an international level. And I am saying that any "charity" derived from those dues should not be considered charity at all.

I did not say ANYONE did not deserve shelter. I feel that we should give to help others. But the giving should be VOLUNTARY (and have said this MANY times), and further feel that I would not give a DIME to help the racist regime of Zimbabwe. Maybe the resultant civil war from a ticked off public that has no shelter would bring about positive change.