Political and topical news and commentary
Because I smoke.
Published on June 22, 2005 By adnauseam In Current Events
Britain: Tuesday: 21 June 2005. The Daily Express reported today that people have a "helpline" if they want to report "sneaky smokers", i.e. smokers who try to sneak a quick puff in a banned area.

Nothing wrong with telling smokers off if they smoke in a non-smoking area. We smokers go along with this. What we do not go with is the fact that we may be spied upon, tittle-tattled upon and looked upon as social outcasts. If we are going to be reported so that we have to be fined then I think there may be a little overkill here. I mean, we're not criminals you know. The problem in Britain today is that people have a heart attack over a thrown butt, a sneaky smoke and an unpickedupdogturd(my own new word!). Then they go home, swear at the kids, jump on car roofs and hoot at tourists trying to find a road.

Imagine Britain in two years time: Dog craps on pavement: instant ASBO. Smoke in open air but too close to Old Age home: ASBO. Throw butt out of window near church: ASBO. Lose your way and go up one way street wrong way: instant ASBO (even if French).
Pass wind in library:double ASBO (noise and pollution). Smoke in middle of field ten miles from town: triple ASBO.

I am British-South African and I can tell you that, despite our troubled history in South Africa, we are free from ASBO's. Not because there are no rules--but because we are not grumpy, petty-minded or living in a "nanny" state. South Africans, like Aussies, have more important things to thing about. I cringe when I think of what Headmaster Blair will think up next. Perhaps they'll ban meat in Britain next. Man eats pork chop:ASBO!

Now heres an illogical thing, in conclusion: Certain Old people ride mobility scooters on main roads with no licence, number plate or the foggiest idea what a traffic signal does. They do it everywhere and often with an unsteady hand on the tiller, a stern look in their eyes and a wobbly sense of self-importance. No ASBO here; after all we are a disabled nation!

on Jun 22, 2005
What is ASBO?  For us colonials.
on Jun 23, 2005
Sorry Doc: Anti-Social Behaviour Order---Like getting a traffic ticket for life!