Political and topical news and commentary
Is it a sign of a culture gone wild?
Published on January 20, 2007 By adnauseam In Current Events
The latest Big Brother furore in Britain has highlighted an intolerance and vulgarity that is common in parts of Britain. The social decline in values and the insensitivities to others' feelings, whether racist or otherwise, is blatant in Britain today. It is not just a Jade Goody display (the girl who caused the racist problem in Big Brother), it is a British display. There are lots of Jade Goodys and John Baddys in Britain but why are they like that? I don't know and would appreciate comment.

It is extremely worrying in a modern society when a great amount of crimes police have to deal include:

-Binge drinking by teenagers and young adults (aged 12 up).
-Vandalism by young children (aged 8 up).
-Drug consumption by children: aged 13 up.
-Theft by children: aged 8 up.
- Abuse and bullying by children: aged 6 up.
-Assault by children on children/adults: aged 10 up.
-Assault by children (verbal/physical) on teachers: aged 10 up.

These are rough figures, but they are not far off; just Google British crime statistics.

Obviously I left out assaults by adults on children because, although they are extremely serious, it is the youth I am concerned about.

Why is the British youth out of hand?

Your insight please. Am I being too critical?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 20, 2007
When they did away with disciplining children - they did away with "good behavior" (my opinion - so this is not an invitation to
start yelling about the fact I am pro caning and corprol punishment)

They molly coddle the kids and let them get away with blue murder.
Parents cannot be bothered to correct or control their kids - it is just too
much effort for them to bother - parents are just downright lazy and too self absorbed.

The government depts have stupid ways of dealing with problem kids - for example - one 12 year old boy was excluded from
schools repeatedly, was violent etc - they sent him on a safari in Africa - because he was from a poor
background and just had not had the opportunites the "other" kids had - what a load of bull! How can they justify
disciplining a child by sending him on an expensive african safari for three weeks? What did the kid learn? Did he change? No
he still ended up in trouble left right and center.

If they stopped mamby pambying kids today and knocked some sense into them - they might be different...
on Jan 20, 2007

They molly coddle the kids

Spanking is not allowed in Britian right?

If so, watch California.  They are considering a law banning it.

on Jan 20, 2007
Spanking is not allowed in Britian right?

correct - biggest mistake they made was cancelling it out.
on Jan 20, 2007
Am I being too critical?

Nope, I had two kids try to extort a toll out of me just for walking in their street, they even tried to open my backpack when i refused to pay. i told them to piss off. their parents didn't seem to care what they got up to.
on Jan 20, 2007
Nope, I had two kids try to extort a toll out of me just for walking in their street, they even tried to open my backpack when i refused to pay. i told them to piss off. their parents didn't seem to care what they got up to.

saucy buggers! they deserve a good slap.
on Jan 20, 2007
Racism and ignorance exists everywhere, mate. In this particularly instance, it was captured on a 'popular' television show in front of millions. I don't think it is anything new but it is sad to see none the less.

Why is the British youth out of hand?

Hey, its not just in Britain. Kids are going wild all over the western world. I can't say for sure but I think it is not just as simple as parents being unable to spank their kids. Materialism is rife and kids just don't know how to deal with it. So they do what kids often do: they rebel. They rebel socially, educationally, physically and spiritually. They take drugs, drink alcohol, rob, bash and extort because, for a lot of them, they think this is the only way they'll ever get what they want.

The 'entertainment' industry has a lot to answer for in this regard, with their obsession with reality television focussing on rich, spoiled brats who want for nothing. It is sad and I don't really have any answer for it.
on Jan 20, 2007
"I have seen the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked...” - Allen Ginsberg

"[Did they] use your years to psyche you out - you're too old to care, you're too young to count?" Indigo Girls

"Don't criticize what you can't understand, your sons and your daughters are beyond your command." - Bob Dylan

I submit that young people through the decades have always been rebellious, wild, uncompromising, angry and sometimes violent beings. It is their nature and therefore not only "beyond [our] command", but beyond their own.

Every generation has had their share of racist, violent youth. Have you heard of the "zoot suit riots" of the 40's? How about the Watts Riots of the 60's, England's own Brixton Riots of the 80's, or the Los Angeles Riots of the 90's? Yet, humanity has made it through, and I have a feeling it will continue to do so.
on Jan 20, 2007
The 'entertainment' industry has a lot to answer for in this regard, with their obsession with reality television focussing on rich, spoiled brats who want for nothing. It is sad and I don't really have any answer for it.

As long as switching the channel and "off" buttons are available, the entertainments industry has NOTHING to answer for. WE choose to watch the filth we condemn; they simply supply the goods.
on Jan 20, 2007
I'm only commenting on one bit, on spanking, and it is my opinon on it.

I don't like it, and would never personally use it as a punishment against my child, ever; partially because I used to have a bad anger management problem, and my temper can be lit quickly. I don't want to risk the chance of my losing it, no matter how much worked on it.
on Jan 20, 2007
I'm only commenting on one bit, on spanking, and it is my opinon on it.

I don't like it, and would never personally use it as a punishment against my child, ever; partially because I used to have a bad anger management problem, and my temper can be lit quickly. I don't want to risk the chance of my losing it, no matter how much worked on it.

I will respectfully submit that your POV may change when you have children. It's always best not to try to predict the future...
on Jan 21, 2007
I will respectfully submit that your POV may change when you have children. It's always best not to try to predict the future...

Perhaps, and I am aware that it may happen. Life is funny sometimes, some folks end up the exact opposite of what they started out being.

When it comes to the whole fiasco of banning it, and while I don't like it, I won't start telling parents how to raise their children, and so I disagree with such ideas to ban, and/or restrict it.

on Jan 21, 2007
don't like it, and would never personally use it as a punishment against my child, ever; partially because I used to have a bad anger management problem, and my temper can be lit quickly. I don't want to risk the chance of my losing it

I am pro spanking - but I agree with you - if you have an issue then you avoid this type of discipline - or it can turn to abuse. Good for you for recognising it and dealing with it - a very responsible attitude.
on Jan 21, 2007
Honestly I don't know why anyone thinks anything has changed. Sure old people are always saying that the youth of today are more criminal than their generation, but if you look at the figures it doesn't show that at all. Admittedly I've only made the most cursory examinations of the records in my own country (Australia) but from what I've seen there were at least as many assualts and thefts by teens back in 1950 as there are today.

As for respect, well, from the looks of it parents raised their kids with the 'out of sight, out of mind' principle back in the old days. If they didn't die of polio children were left to the predations of child molesters and brutal school systems. It doesn't surprise me at all that most obvious hints of personal expression and rebelliousness were knocked, diseased or raped out of them.

Let's get real - if the price of a few more pleases and thankyous is a return to the hideously ineffective bad old days of childraising then are we really getting something valuable in return?

As for racism I honestly think there's much less of it blowing around today than there ever has been in the past. Sure, the reduction is happening with agonising slowness, but then again all serious social change is generational. We can't expect to see interracial relationships approach harmony for many generations of interbreeding yet.
on Jan 21, 2007
I'm only commenting on one bit,

So much for your latest "goodbye ju" article, hmmm?

Look out folks, Lucas is back. Again. And again. And again.

(lather, rinse, repeat.)
on Jan 21, 2007
Look out folks, Lucas is back. Again. And again. And again.

fer cryin out loud let it rest! If it bothers you so much then ignore him and stop trying to belittle the person all the time and grind them into the ground.
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