Of course, immigration has to be curbed.
The United Kingdom is the land of the free and the underprivileged and they certainly prove it by allowing every Tom, Dick and Harry from wherever to settle here.Why do they allow Nigerians, Zimbabweans and citizens of every second hand state to settle here? If it's not in a legal way, i.e, some sort of grasp on British citizenship, then it's a sympathetic hand to all those who 'may' be persecuted if they return to the homeland.
Why does the government say :We are dealing with those affected by immigration problems', yet help those with the problem.Why do they allow Nigerians, citizens of an overpopulated country with few opportunities for its citizens, to stream into Britain.We don't need these people or want them. They bring nothing but crime, their scam ways and large families to suck on the rich British teats. We know that there are thousands from Africa, Europe, Russia trying, and succeeding to get into Britain. A week ago, an African illegal was not sent home because he might ' be tortured'. A Croatian illegal was not sent home because he was 'discriminated against'.
I'm sorry but I think Enoch Powell had a point. We do not need people from African countries, or others, to stream into this country and take livelihoods away from the British citizen who might be unemployed.
If Britain wants to remain a microcosm of nationalities, so be it. But, if the government keeps it up, London will no longer be called'Little Jamaica'. It will be called 'Greater China'!.