Political and topical news and commentary
Scared Americans will run with Dubya.
Published on October 30, 2004 By adnauseam In Politics
Osama Bin Laden is no friend of the USA but after his latest video he could have George Bush kissing his feet. Imagine the perfect pre-election scenario:George W. is neck and neck with Kerry and a lightning bolt from the blue pushes the American people into the Dubya camp. If you're going to scare the shit out of any American you just need a terrorist adventurer (who is probably not as influential as he thinks--I think he's incapable of topping his 9/11attack now), who strikes fear in every member of a vulnerable,shaky public. Shaky public America will task Dubya to protect them as he has done since 9/11. Kerry is an unknown factor. After all, Dubya and Guiliani calmed the world, shovelled up the mess and said :never again.

Vote on guys--but heck, where is Ronald Reagan when we need him.

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