Did you know that:
-General Gordon did his best to save Khartoum?
-George Bush doesn't give a damn about the Sudan?
Did you know that:
-Kofi Annan can't save the Darfur region of Sudan, as his predecessors could not rescue Rwanda?
-The African Union is so divided that it couldn't save a man from drowning?
-That pouring food into a region results in theft on a massive scale leading to non-delivery?
Did you know that:
-That Iraq bleeds while the Sudan bleeds out?
-The Government of Sudan tells more lies than a Ford salesman?
Did you know that:
-Bob Geldof raised more aid for Ethiopia than the UN and the USA combined?
-Bob Geldof has stopped raising funds?
Ergo, no-one gives a damn.
There are serious problems in Africa and the major powers need to go much further than providing sacks of corn.But they won't because they're too wrapped up in a conflict that could take ten or more years to resolve.
I love the Time magazine quote: " Bush led them into Iraq, can he lead them out?"
Bush, Annan and Blair have their priorities skewed.