They call Guantanamo Bay Rumsfeld's baby. Rumsfeld has been proven to be a fool who could not decide what a WMD is.Rumsfeld was also the man who dithered while Iraq burnt. He had no plan, no after-invasion infrastructure logistics in hand and , worst of all, he had no idea how he was going to handle any situation, except by trigger. Rumsfeld was/is an asshole, in American speak. This command of his was like asking Yogi Bear to organise the Olympics because he knew how to swim. As an outsider even, I think Donald Rumsfeld let Bush down more than anyone.
I digress. I heard today that a 16 (SIXTEEN), year old Canadian has been held in Guantanamo after being caught in Afghanistan. Now, I could not give a tinker's toss whether the boy spoke Pushtu, knew how to handle an AK 47 or was going to put a bomb up Bushes arse Expletive not deleted. I also don't care whether the boy had 500 bullets in his belt or a missile that can fly two miles down a toilet. THIS is (was) a sixteen year old with a misguided sense of justice or whatever you call it. He can have brown marks on his forehead or a tablecloth round his head, I don't give a F**K. He is a BABY. What are Americans thinking? It seems to me the rules of humanity are skewed in America's favour. Forgive me if I say that 9/11 has made you a neurotic people with jumpy sleep patterns. Wake up: Your useless CIA has improved since then and life is pretty normal.
As for the little Canadian, I suggest you get him out instead of acting like those dumb observers present when rendition takes place. Oh yes, the great USA rendition. Don't even ask.
There was a time when we South Africans were just as bad. Today you make us sick!