What did you throw out last week? Did you re-cycle some waste? Did you save any energy? Some of us do better than others. Joeusers, did you actually waste any food or did you give to the poor? Did you waste any food without thinking of the poor? Were you wasteful in any of your chores, and did you think about it? How did you save energy? Let's have your stories.
I am personally guilty and it shocks me. I live in a third World Country and should know better! Before I lived here most of my waste went into nourishing the soil on my smallholding or feeding our workers.Here's my list of crimes for last week:
1. Threw out a cantaloupe because half of it was rotten.
2. Threw out 6 apples that had rotted on the kitchen table. Also 4 tomatoes.
3. Made eight slices of toast and six were eaten (we do, however, give any excess bread to the porter.)
4. Threw out 12 potatoes that had rotted and we didn't notice!
5. We run 5 air-cons when we could be running three.
6. Left two fans running all night when we did not need them.
7. Left the toilet light on all night (well, not too bad).
8. Stock our fridges with so much meat, veg., juice and water that the compressors actually work twice as hard.
9. Instead of doing one wash a day we do three!
10. We do not use energy efficient light bulbs.
I am ashamed and I'm going to try and be more "green" in the future--but often we forget these mundane things and don't realise how important savings are.
Got any stories to share?