THe G8 is a farce--the talking heads from the most powerful economic nations on Earth have talked themselves silly. Here's why I think so:
They have not done anything about President Al Bashir of Sudan for his disregard for law and order, and human rights in Darfur.
They have decided to impose sanctions on Zimbabwe without actually causing any harm to Zimbabwe at all. If Comrade Mugabe wishes to pull a heart attack out of his conniving bosom, he'll be in the Mayo Clinic before the cows come home.
Food to Africa will increase so will the thieving.
Teach the bastards to grow food of their own. Pigs might fly and a hundred volunteers from Sweden might need Prozac after a month.
DArfur? What Darfur? Rwanda? Where?
And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the nitty gritty: Climate change. THis is what worries Frau Merckel, Herr Bush and Obersturmbahnfuhrer Brown et al. We must tackle climate change! For God's sake, let's feed some people, teach them to look after themselves. Why should people be so concerned with climate change when 3/4 of Africa, 1/2 of India and 1/2 the middle East is milking non milk producing goats! F*** the icebergs, F*** the floods. Let's get some people fed here!