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A talking talk machine.
Published on July 9, 2008 By adnauseam In International

THe G8 is a farce--the talking heads from the most powerful economic nations on Earth have talked themselves silly. Here's why I think so:

They have not done anything about President Al Bashir of Sudan for his disregard for law and order, and human rights in Darfur.

They have decided to impose sanctions on Zimbabwe without actually causing any harm to Zimbabwe at all. If Comrade Mugabe wishes to pull a heart attack out of his conniving bosom, he'll be in the Mayo Clinic before the cows come home.

Food to Africa will increase so will the thieving.

Teach the bastards to grow food of their own. Pigs might fly and a hundred volunteers from Sweden might need Prozac after a month.

DArfur? What Darfur? Rwanda? Where?

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the nitty gritty: Climate change. THis is what worries Frau Merckel, Herr Bush and Obersturmbahnfuhrer Brown et al. We must tackle climate change! For God's sake, let's feed some people, teach them to look after themselves. Why should people be so concerned with climate change when 3/4 of Africa, 1/2 of India and 1/2 the middle East is milking non milk producing goats! F*** the icebergs, F*** the floods. Let's get some people fed here!

on Jul 09, 2008
THe G8 is a farce

on Jul 09, 2008

It's simple, if they say they'll feed people no one will care (except the people being fed, but they don't seem to count).  If they say they'll commit to tackling climate change, they win a bunch of brownie points with do-nothing "activist" groups.  In either case, they won't actually be doing anything constructive, but with talking about climate change they can claim to be doing something... actually doing anything at all hasn't entered the discussion or their heads

on Jul 20, 2008

The G-8 is a mulitaleral organisation and the USA needs the G-8 in order to create a consensus on a whole range of issues not just Darfur. You seem to be outraged at what is happening in Darfur, but the slaughter there does not threaten any of the major countries and hence will go on.

on Jul 22, 2008
but the slaughter there does not threaten any of the major countries and hence will go on.

That is a very cynical attitude!

And probably right on the money.
on Aug 01, 2008

It is quite interesting how we give power to these people and yet they do the opposite of what we want in our government. I maybe mistaken but I swear Power corrupts. These superpowers always get together every year and discuss "plans" ans "strategy" to boost its economy and yet the only thing they boost is their pocket money. Africa needs help but the truth is we also need to help our poor people. Yes, african people are much worse than us and I completely agree that they should be the first who needs food and aids, however the point I'm trying make here is that our government tries and fails most of the time when we try to reduce the poverty in our country. And then these superpowers get together and talk about strategies to help poor nations? And what did they achieve so far? Where's our tax money going into?

on Sep 18, 2008

Getting rid of the G-8 will not solve the crisis in Darfur. Not at all.

on Sep 19, 2008

Getting rid of the G-8 will not solve the crisis in Darfur. Not at all.

Neither will having a G8.

on Oct 21, 2008

Considering how G8 bailed America out just now. I would not speak to loudly about getting rid of it just yet.

on Oct 21, 2008

Considering how G8 bailed America out just now. I would not speak to loudly about getting rid of it just yet.

They did not "bail out america" (as America is a member).  They bailed out themselves.

Besides, the Author is not American.