My wife (God bless her), intrigues me with some of her housekeeping habits. I tend to ignore most but she is a hoarder, "destroyer " of appliances, and, at times, a threat to the household.
So I'll set the scenes and Joeuser wives can have a go at their husbands in response!
Why do wives:
Try to stuff 15kg of washing into a 7 kg washer and complain that the machine is producing dirty clothes and trying to bounce itself all over the laundry room?
Try to soften butter in a microwave in its foil pack and run like hell when the machine starts sparking to the point of blowing up?
Hoard so much food in their cupboards that there is enough to feed Zimbabwe for a month? Are they expecting World War 3?
Kick their computer cases when there is a glitch?
Block the ducts in the microwave with ten packets of Newman's popcorn on top and expect it to work properly?
Leave potatoes or carrots burning away on the gas stove and disappear into a mesmerising novel?
Blame husbands for everything that doesn't work and which they have destroyed?
Leave cloths on the stove next to the burners and wonder why a fire results?
Try to use vacuum cleaners when the bag was full two weeks ago?
Fill every cupboard with junk and shake their heads when you can't find your shoes?
OK, ladies , your turn!