Political and topical news and commentary
Look what youve f****d up now!
Published on May 18, 2004 By adnauseam In Welcome
(Please note: All opinions carried on this site are my own) Read a shocking e-mail this morning. It was from a friend of the distinguished headmaster of the finest private school in Zimbabwe. Said head had been locked up because his school was (supposedly) not toeing the line on fee reduction---an order that came from the Great Pariah himself. In fact the authorities (and, in Africa, we are never sure who the "authorities" are--could be a traffic cop), had made a mistake as the school had already complied with the fee ruling. Nevertheless aforementioned head was locked up with some colleagues (one a lady headmistress) for the night and had to endure much pushing, shoving and taunting by his captors. The school's governor's paid a visit to the jail to console, assist etc--and were promptly locked up to! No-one of course cared whether the kids (black and white), were being educated. They all had to go home! You know things are really skew in a country when the education system is tampered with by a bunch of crooked, corrupt thugs. It's even worse than the recent announcement by Nathan Shamuyarira (Minister of Disinformation & Bullshit), who told the world not to send any more food donations as they have enough.What crap! If they have enough then it came from South Africa (R1 million worth) recently and they're probably hoping for more. People are starving in rural Zimbabwe (remember all those farmworkers who were kicked off the white farms?) and in the cities too. Essential commodities are expensive and very scarce. What Mr Shamuyarira means is that he and about 2000 other corrupt ministers, directors and quasi-civil servants, have enough to eat. Sure they do: They shop in the best Johannesburg supermarkets and malls. Mr Mugabe and his ilk should really wake up and smell the grass to the south. Mbek'is successful South Africa is just making a mockery of him--every day.They lend him food and support but actually they're laughing their heads off. " The more you F**k it up Bob, the better we look. HA ha ha." My next story (in a week), is about the proposed visit/residence in South Africa of J.P. Aristide, unwelcome Haitian despot. I've just had an idea. Let's send him to Harare to stay with Bob. Talk about a match made in heaven!
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