Political and topical news and commentary
In your dreams!
Published on July 4, 2007 By adnauseam In Politics
The annual summit of the African Union has just ended in Ghana. A major topic of debate was the possible formation of a United States Of Africa embracing all 53 member states in a type of USA style bond of states governed by a higher body. Gwynne Dyer, a leading journalist who writes for 45 or so publications, postulates that it may make sense as Africa has so many diverse cultures and across-border languages. He is right but I doubt whether he has thought it through entirely. The Colonial powers cut up Africa beginning in the nineteenth century and ethnic and language differences were not a priority. Rich pickings were.

A few of the wiser leaders at the AU summit felt that the concept of a USAFR was an unworkable dream. Thabo Mbeki, President of the richest African country, South Africa, stated that you "cannot put a roof on a house with no foundations." Mr Mbeki is no fool.

I can give you 53 reasons why an USAFR would not work but I'll give 5 at the risk of boring you:

* African States can not solve a small problem like Mugabe's Zimbabwe.
* How would Africa govern Somalia when the AU peace-keeping force is under-supplied and under-manned?
* How would Africa deal with Darfur when the tyrranical Sudanese Government refuses to co-operate with anyone who does not abide by its own rules?
* Would the USAFR stamp out the corruption in at least 22 countries, if not more?
* Would Arab North Africa go along with a deal that would mean sharing the fruits of their oil with some lesser developed countries?

The dream is wonderful. The reality is just a dream.

on Jul 04, 2007
it took europe over 500 years to get to where they are now
on Jul 05, 2007

Not only NOrth Africa, but other states in Africa have oil wealth.  But your point is well taken.  The US is not made up of 50 economically similar states.  But rather 50 unique states (some rich, some poor), that have a common understanding that they are dependant upon the others for self preservation.

We have our regional rivalries, but the over riding determination is that we are Americans.  And while the 13 colonies merged to initially form the country (out of self preservation), the other 37 were brought in from a position of non-entitiy.  So it was easier.  That does not say it is impossible, but the one thing that they would have to do first is to minimize tribal affiliations in order to understand that the whole is greater than the parts.  And that will take time and sacrafice.

Germany had it relatively easy.  And it was hard for them.  Yet they shared a common heritage and language, just very disimilar economies and governments.  And another factor going for them was a short history of separation.  Still, it has been 17 years, and they are still stuggling - albeit they are determined and it will come about.

Africa has none of the advantages and most of the disadvantages.  That is not to say it is impossible, but the task is herculean to say the least.