Political and topical news and commentary
A great continent that can be dangerous.
Published on March 5, 2007 By adnauseam In Current Events
Two days ago a group of British Embassy staff was kidnapped in the remote Afar Desert in North Eastern Ethiopia. they had been on their way to salt mines in the Dalol region. Why they, we presume supposedly informed, were venturing into unknown (and desolate, hostile), territory we shall probably find out soon. However, they were held up by people who are probably rebels for the Afar cause (independence from Ethiopia), and could be anywhere.

What is worrying is that their vehicles have been found, one riddled with bullets and the other burnt -out. I have warned before, as an African, that any remote area of Africa is not to be taken lightly. I had a taste of this when I was kidnapped by police in Angola in 2001 (only for 3 hours---yes, the police there kidnap too, for money), but it brought home to me the fact that anything can happen in Africa.

13 Ethiopians are supposedly with the group as translators etc. and the SAS are apparently on the ground looking for the hostages.

I hope they are all safe, but you cannot play Humphrey Explorer in a remote area of a Continent that has vast areas ruled only by the AK47. And there are many areas in Africa still under that rule.

on Mar 05, 2007
Did you have to pay to be released?

I thought Ethiopia was settling down. Guess not.
on Mar 05, 2007
That's awful! I guess it would be a lot to say they're still alive?

In this day and age for any part of the world to still be in such disarray is horrible....that includes the Middle East as well!
on Mar 06, 2007
Well, Doc, my driver got into a street fight over a broken mirror. Next minute we're surrounded by AK47s. Two police took us away in our car and drove around a slum area for three hours negotiating a "ransom" . We paid them 100 US and they let us go. Nice work if you can get it!