White Zimbabwe farmers a scarce breed.
(I live in quiet hope that this innocuous little post does not provoke a "Battle Royal" between notorious JU feuders.)
It was reported today that more Zimbabwe farmers face the eviction chop. The statistics/threats, are frightening:
* 3500 white Zimbabwean farmers have been evicted, sans compensation , from their land.
* Another purge of 300 to 400 farmers is about to happen soon.
* Only the "lucky ones" will remain.
Lands minister Didymus Mutasa, in his infinite wisdom, has decided that there will be a few "lucky farmers" who will be let off the hook. I quote the honourable minister (who probably has a grade 5 education): "At the end of it all I don't expect to see any more white farmers, just successful black farmers. But of course like with everything in life there are the lucky ones---only the lucky ones among the white farmers can remain." Is there a lottery in the offing or is the government going to dispense favours to those white farmers who support Mugabe? I honestly don't know, but I do know that there must be few whites in Zimbabwe who support a tyrant who has crushed a country into economic misery and hopelessness.
If a succesful black farmer is judged by a dozen sunflowers, twenty yellowed maize plants and enough tobacco to roll ten stogies, so be it. I jest not. This is the reality of a crazy country that has decided to commit economic suicide. Mr Mutasa further said that the government was quite clear about the future of farming in Zimbabwe, and that future was black.
Mr Mutasa better roll up his sleeves for he will be training "would be" farmers for a long time. At the moment they are sitting watching TV in their "redeemed " homesteads not wondering how to transplant a tomato.
No wheat for bread, no fuel for tractors, no electricity, no vegetables. Thank you, Mr Mutasa. Even China can't help you with those.