Political and topical news and commentary
...then do it right!
Published on January 2, 2007 By adnauseam In Current Events
The Muslim World is outraged by the video of Saddam Hussein's hanging. It is not surprising that some have condemned the execution (his supporters), but many , for and against Saddam, are outraged by the video that emanated from the deed. There is also evidence that Saddam was taunted before he dropped into oblivion--and further evidence that there were celebrations around his body. I believe that a few simple measures could have avoided this calamity, bearing in mind the sensitive nature of this execution.

Clearly, insufficient advice was given from the American quarter and one has to take into account that the American quarter wanted to stay out of it. However, a nod and a prod would have served to avoid:

* Hangmen who could not disguise their glee. Simple interviews on suitability of the applicants might have helped.
* Telephones or cameras.
* A lack of overall supervision.

I do blame the naivety of Saddam's American keepers and the naivety of the receivers/executioners for this mess. Why? Because this is 2006/7 dammit . It takes one man to fry an egg, two to scramble it and ten to render it useless.

on Jan 02, 2007
This from the same population that drags American soldiers behind their cars and hangs them burning for everyone to pose with. The same part of the world where they play concert-beachball with the coffins of their leaders. The same culture who has public amputations, floggings, yadda yadda...

There may be a nation or two in the middle east who behave with a reasonable enough amount of tact to really be surprised about this, but then they'd be seeing this and worse from their neighbors constantly. My personal opinion is that he should have been tossed to a crowd of Shia or Kurds or Kuwaitis and pulled limb from limb so everyone could have a souvenir. His death was a thousand times more humane than had there been an Iraqi-led overthrow of his government, and it was a lot better than the deaths he gave people.
on Jan 02, 2007
This is what happens when you do not install a puppet government and let them run their own country.  A shame we did not, right?  Riggghhhhtttt!
on Jan 02, 2007

Are you kidding? Look at some vido of other hangings by Iraqis or other Arabs. By comparison the Saddam execution was positively sedate. You aren't going to get a more professional execution than Saddam's out of Arab culture my friend. Delighting in an enemies downfal in public and loud fashion isn't looked down on. The "outrage" you are talking about here didn't even come close to the dancing in the streets on the night he was actually killed. The celebrators were justified.


The Imam's or Iran and the Syrian opthamologist were going to have their supporters be "outraged" no matter what. It is foolish to think that anything would have changed this. They don't care that Saddam was hanged in a particular fashion, they are outraged that people can destroy their dictators.

on Jan 02, 2007
No matter what happens that can be perceived we are involved with there is going to be 'OUTRAGE" even if they have to order their people to the streets at gunpoint to make them protest.