Political and topical news and commentary
Is he really as bad as Harding?
Published on December 10, 2006 By adnauseam In Politics
I study American History--it hasalways fascinated me. The modern political scene evades me simply because I do not keep up with it. However, reading the Houston Chronicle online I wondered what Joeusers think of these two statements:

"Given his current trajectory and speed, Bush is on course to be the worst President since at least Warren G. Harding (I know a fair bit about billiards in the White House--my comment).That would mean that Bush would sink past Jimmy Carter, which is no mean feat."

AND: "If Bush is , as he said Thursday, with British Prime Minister Blair at his side, disappointed by the 'pace of success' in Iraq, can he imagine how disappointing his own performance has been at almost every turn over the last six years."

Watching George Bush, on podium with Tony ( Britain's bullshitting answer to rampant inflation), I got the distinct feeling that these two men wanted to conquer the World --a World similar to Mars.)

Let me be serious for a moment and say that these men worry me greatly.

Comments please from Joeusers.

on Dec 10, 2006
I can only say I'm not worried nearly as much as you.   
on Dec 10, 2006
I agree with Daiwa. If we have come to the point where we fear that 2 men (not exactly 2 geniuses) can take over the world, then we as humans really don't deserve to be able to think.
on Dec 10, 2006
I do not "fear" bush and blair as much as I fear the kook from Iran, kim in North Korea and the multitudes of terrorists that want me dead.. either because I am a JEW OR AN AMERICAN.
on Dec 10, 2006
I fear more a man who can only be removed from their leadership position by force as oppose to a 4 or 8 year term man. I fear a man who's people are too afraid to even think against him. I fear a man who feels that WMD are to be used as an offense and not a defense.
on Dec 10, 2006

"The Worst President Ever" is brought to us by the same historic minds that gave us,

"Our nation has never been so divided"... even though we don't have rioting on campuses so fierce the National Guard of several states is called to quell them (and yes folks, there are still enough NG troops in each state to call.

"The worst economy", even though our economy has absorbed 2 record breaking hurricane seasons, record breaking petroleum prices, and record high housing prices.

"all our manufacturing jobs are going overseas" at a time when factories are reporting that they are turning down contracts because they can't keep their jobs filled.

"the most brutally fought war", even though the total count doesn't even equal a couple of weeks of fighting in any other major war.


So, as long as i keep hearing the above examples of a total lack of historic perspective from the press and the left... I'll figure that this is just another instance where the press got it all wrong again.

on Dec 10, 2006
When the complete picture of the things Bush has done poorly and the things that Bush has failed to resolve come into focus as only time can do, he will capture the place as the WORST President in our history. Seldom did we have more challenges facing a President and NEVER has a president so completely failed at everything that needed to be accomplished! Iraq may be the most pointed but the failure of his fiscal and trade policies. The failure of his education initiative. The totally ineffective energy policy. The devastating environmental policies. The harm done to our fine military. The rancor at home and abroad. The total failure to move toward solutions to fund Social Security and Medicare. The failure to effect the rebuilding after Katrina. The incompetence of his appointees. The refusal to admit when his policies failed to solve the issue at hand and the courage to admit he was wrong and try a different course. EVERY one of these have been directly impacted by Bush and there is not one that has done anything but cause harm to our country! His collective failure is catastrophic and the depth of the damage he has inflicted on our country will become evident in the years ahead. He is by any reasonable standard an almost COMPLETE FAILURE. We will suffer the damage he has caused for decades to come and the Presidents that follow George W. Bush will be burdened by his failures. Finally, over 5 years later the man responsible for 9/11 has not been punished as GWB pledged - Dead or Alive!
on Dec 11, 2006
When the complete picture of the things Bush has done poorly and the things that Bush has failed to resolve come into focus as only time can do, he will capture the place as the WORST President in our history. Seldom did we have more challenges facing a President and NEVER has a president so completely failed at everything that needed to be accomplished! Iraq may be the most pointed but the failure of his fiscal and trade policies will endure for decades. The failure of his education initiative. The totally ineffective energy policy. The devastating environmental policies. The harm done to our fine military. The rancor at home and abroad. The failure to move toward solutions to fund Social Security and Medicare. The failure to effect the rebuilding after Katrina. The incompetence of his appointees. The refusal to admit when his policies failed to solve the issue at hand and the courage to admit he was wrong and to try a different course. EVERY one of these have failures of Bush and there is not one that has done anything but cause harm to our country! His collective failure is catastrophic and the depth of the damage he has inflicted on our country will become evident in the years ahead. He is by any reasonable standard an almost COMPLETE FAILURE. We will suffer the damage he has caused for decades to come and the Presidents that follow George W. Bush will be burdened by his failures. Finally, over 5 years later the man responsible for 9/11 has not been punished as GWB pledged - Dead or Alive!
on Dec 11, 2006
Thanks for comments guys!