As a hobby I buy and sell banknotes, mainly those from Africa. I want to sell some on e-bay but I'm not sure how to get the photos of notes onto e-bay. I am "yesterday's child" and don't even know how to use my new camera yet!
Once I have mastered the little camera (actually semi-mastered would be more accurate), I then need to get my photos transferred to e-bay and into the sales column. Does e-bay help you with this?
I sound like a real dork, I know, but when I ask my son he says: " It's easy. Press this, go there, press here, click, go back---and he does it so fast I can't keep up. The book is worse than useless because it assumes that people can understand everything in one page!
I'm not completely useless. I can change the valves in a radio and I can splice reel to reel tapes --I can even repair video-tapes. I can also tune a 1975 Philips TV and change the bag in the vaccuum cleaner but I'm beat when it comes to a tiny camera no bigger than a cigarette pack!
I'm going to bed tonight and figure out why I have been left behind. Tomorrow, I may get to use my wife's new printer but unfortunately it does not have valves!
Can anyone give me some direction?