Today I got the feeling that small news was returning. That means that the networks are not beaming 24 hours of London Heathrow, or terror plots or planes being escorted by F-15s as they land. And Lebanon, of course, has been in the news for the past month--today it got a small look-in.
By "small news" I mean the murder of Jon Benet Ramsay. It is, I know, quite important, but I wonder if you also feel that it does bring us back to earth after a bad month. I only have one thought on Karr, the alleged murderer of JonBenet. When I hear words like "unintentional" and "I loved her", I think , Jeez, what the hell, keep him in Thailand and do the same as they do to the drug carriers: Hang his sorry head from a high pole!
No matter, Here are some questions on the conflict in Lebanon I want to ask Joeusers to comment on, even though some vibrant views have already been expressed.
* Was it worth it? Did Israel really seek to cripple Hizbollah or was it a cry for help, vis-a-vis, an attempt to force the UN to create a buffer zone between Israel and Lebanon?
* The oil pollution and destruction in Beirut will cause economic and environmental havoc in the country for years to come. Did Hizbollah suffer enough to warrant this?
* Do you think the buffer zone will help?
I have my own answers and I can tell you that I side with Israel because it has the might of the entire Arab World against it. But, what do you think? I blog simply to hear your views.