Political and topical news and commentary
Hooray,Lebanon quiet!
Published on August 17, 2006 By adnauseam In Current Events
Today I got the feeling that small news was returning. That means that the networks are not beaming 24 hours of London Heathrow, or terror plots or planes being escorted by F-15s as they land. And Lebanon, of course, has been in the news for the past month--today it got a small look-in.

By "small news" I mean the murder of Jon Benet Ramsay. It is, I know, quite important, but I wonder if you also feel that it does bring us back to earth after a bad month. I only have one thought on Karr, the alleged murderer of JonBenet. When I hear words like "unintentional" and "I loved her", I think , Jeez, what the hell, keep him in Thailand and do the same as they do to the drug carriers: Hang his sorry head from a high pole!

No matter, Here are some questions on the conflict in Lebanon I want to ask Joeusers to comment on, even though some vibrant views have already been expressed.

* Was it worth it? Did Israel really seek to cripple Hizbollah or was it a cry for help, vis-a-vis, an attempt to force the UN to create a buffer zone between Israel and Lebanon?
* The oil pollution and destruction in Beirut will cause economic and environmental havoc in the country for years to come. Did Hizbollah suffer enough to warrant this?
* Do you think the buffer zone will help?

I have my own answers and I can tell you that I side with Israel because it has the might of the entire Arab World against it. But, what do you think? I blog simply to hear your views.

on Aug 17, 2006

Well, the sace against Karr seems to be unraveling as his Ex says he has an alibi.

But to get to your other questions, Israel stopped too soon.  They did not accomplish their objective, and in that they only emboldened the terrorists.  So all the other questions are moot.  It is not over yet.

on Aug 17, 2006
Unravelling? What about the details of the confession?