and trying to stay away from Religion per se.
I am doing some research on a book about the Soul. Unlike many other tomes on this subject I want to stay clear of making religion the defining or governing theme where the Soul is concerned. I say this because, although I am a Christian, I believe a) religion often clouds the issue and ,
there are many good people out there who will agree that you do not need a religion (or attend church), to have a Soul. (should I say a good Soul to make everyone comfortable? I think not).
Obviously religion is going to creep in BUT I would especially like to have the HELP of Christians and agnostics.
This is a serious subject and I'm trying to get a handle on something I have thoughts about but know just a little about. I also do not want to smear everything with toffee and cream, blinding lights, or dream experiences by near-to-death people. Personally I feel Ray Moody and Victor Zammit et al, write reams of crap just to make money (sorry guys, but a blinding light and ethereal voices on every page do not explain the Soul to me, but enjoy the cash anyway). Actually, that sounds unfair but I do believe that if you are going to get a message across it could be done far quicker (that is the realist in me!). I'll stop there because I have a "special hate/scepticism" for people who write 200 pages with repetitive case studies and rolling reminders about the subject in hand. Ha, I'm going to write a post about that soon.
Please give your opinions on the following (and I really will appreciate it):
* What is the soul? What factors form it?
* Does the Soul live on after Death? Or is death just the same as switching the TV off. Zilch, Nada, Black, Gone,
* What is your idea of Paradise and Hell (not especially in a religious context)?
* Are there people with a special presence who influence others just by their personalities, presence in the midst of others, dominance over others? Is this Charisma? Or is it "charitable feeling"and subconscious feelings for fellow man?
I studied Psychology and Religion 38 years ago so I'm quite lost (apropos above questions), as far as modern thought is concerned. That's why I need your input, no matter how small.
Answers and responses appreciated.