Political and topical news and commentary
Published on March 12, 2006 By adnauseam In Current Events
I am surprisedand disappointed by the Serbian grief over the death of Slobodan Milosevic. This man was a modern Hitler who thought he could use his immense power to bring about ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia. The outpouring of grief by Serbs justifies my belief that the other Serbian war criminals (Mladic and Karadic) are being hidden and protected.

Those Serbs who are paying their condolences to Milosevic will eventually realise the heinous deeds of a butcher when one of their ilk (namely the two generals), is in front of the Hague and the whole truth comes out. Milosevic, by dying, has denied the World the truth. No wonder Carla De Ponte is frustrated.

The mourners in Belgrade remind me of those Germans (a minority), who could not believe that their "saviour" was dead.

on Mar 12, 2006
What the fuck is wrong with you? You posted this 4 times.
on Mar 12, 2006
Wtf is wrong with you, Icon. You know JU is acting up.

Milosovich was a monster, but he did teach us one thing. The International War Crimes Tribunal is a sad, sad joke, too impotent and bound by red tape to ever deal with a real war criminal. They just need to be killed, outright.
on Mar 13, 2006

Even Hitler was mourned by some, and even some today.
on Mar 15, 2006
This was posted only once. I know what's wrong with Iconoclast--he needs to learn some manners!
on Mar 15, 2006
This was posted only once. I know what's wrong with Iconoclast--he needs to learn some manners!

Actually there are four instances of it. Chech your blog homepage and you can see them. When you get a chance you should remove the other three if possible. No offense intended, I realize that people can accidently do such when they don't think their submission has made it through.