With companies who don't answer e- mails.
The USA is probably the greatest marketing nation in the World. No trick is missed, no possible sale ignored. It is a positive economy with an agreeable consumer public.
I admire the way companies keep after a possible sale (though you may not!), and have the sophisticated machinery in place to do that.
I hope Joeusers (especially the US bloggers),will comment on my recent experiences (I live in Egypt and mail World-wide if I require a service/comment/reply):
1. 4 e-mails to KLM Airlines--about a computer damaged on a flight---replies: zilch.
2. 2 e-mails to an estate agent about a property. Reply: Zilch.
3 2 e-mails seeking Airline bookings. Reply: Zilch.
4. 1 e-mail sent to a hotel requesting booking. Reply: Zilch.
5. 1 e-mail sent to Insurance company: Reply: Zilch.
6. 2 e-mails sent to South African Bank. Reply: Zilch.
I mean this is pathetic. What happens here? Why do they a) supply an e-mail address but do not monitor their mails? OR,
do not have the time to answer mails OR, c) are simply
not savvy enough to realise that e-mail communication is important in the 21st Century. Perhaps they leave e-mail answering to a junior clerk who hasa tight skirt/ is polishing
her white nails/ is on her mobile to her boyfriend/ is too busy looking in the mirror in the ladies room? And ( so I am not accused of blaming the office girls), is there perhaps a male
office manager ( who is assigned to e-mail collection), who is too busy trying to get into the pants of the photocopier lady that he only opens his own mail to see who is swooning after
his body?
How do they work? How do we wake them up?
I get so frustrated. What do Joeusers think?