Political and topical news and commentary
...but it should not be criminal offence to smoke.
Published on July 6, 2007 By adnauseam In Current Events
I know all about smoking. It is bad for you and it is bad for others who have to put up with second-hand foul air. It is a habit that became very popular after the first World War and was deemed socially acceptable right up to the seventies. The figures that show cancer and emphysema fatalities from smoking are not disputed. They are fact and the healthy eighties and nineties saw a downward trend in smoking to levels where only 25% of Brits , 25% of South Africans,18% of Americans and 16% of Australians smoked in 2005. (note: these figures were based on estimations of tobacco consumption and are probably slightly lower now).

The problem about smoking (for me), is that tobacco companies still continue to advertise (albeit in a more limited fashion), that they still provide employment for thousands of employees,and, their products are still freely available.

Now, I, a person with a sense of logical thought and a penchant for wanting 2 + 2 to equal 4 , want to know why cigarettes are not banned entirely. I mean it would prevent incidents like those this week in Britain where a pub smoker was locked up and Charles Kennedy (former libdem leader), was cautioned for smoking on a train. Is a smoker such a criminal that he should be locked up? It's the law you'll say. I'll tell you why the law is an ass (UK speak), a dumb ass (USA speak):

3 weeks ago I stood in the queue at passport control at Heathrow. The lady in front of me was having her passport checked. At the risk of boring you, the conversation went like this:

Passport officer: " What is your destination?"
Lady: "Jamaica."
Passport officer: " You arrived from Jamaica in 2001 and were given a six month visa to stay in the UK. It is now 2007. Can you account for that?"
Lady: "I must have overstayed. I didn't notice the expiry date. I'm sorry."
Passport officer: " OK, let's go and check this out."

Sheesh--and they want to lock up smokers?

My message to Britain is this: You cannot control your borders but you want to lock up smokers. Where are you're priorities? No wonder there are thousands of illegal immigrants in Britain. I shake my head.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 10, 2007
Oh, and by the way ...

'Charles Kennedy (former libdem leader), was cautioned for smoking on a train.'

That wouldn't be the same Charles Kennedy who, in 2006, backed the England-wide ban on smoking in enclosed public places, would it?
on Jul 10, 2007

The law against allowing one's dog to defecate in the street has been on the British statute books for years.

You again assume statements not made.  I never said repeal laws, now did I?  ANd my metaphor goes directly to the point if you have read my last 2 entries.  It is hardly comparing preventing blindness. If you think about my metaphor just a little bit, you will see the connection. 

Hint:  No one threw the rules of ocean going vessels out the window when the titanic sank.

on Jul 10, 2007
How about you just state what your points actually are, instead of speaking all metaphorically.   
on Jul 10, 2007
How about you just state what your points actually are, instead of speaking all metaphorically.

Ah yes, make it "for dummies" points so that everyone can understand.
on Jul 10, 2007
Actually, I think some of you are getting carried away with your self-importance.

To Furry Canary: I cannot provide complete statistics but I suggest you read the report on prison populations at :


This thread is now closed.
on Jul 10, 2007
'To Furry Canary: I cannot provide complete statistics ...'
I rest my case.

'This thread is now closed.'
Now why on earth would you announce that, unless you were finding it increasingly difficult to justify your position and / or afraid of a little muscular disagreement? Why post your opinions on a public forum if you're not prepared to have them discussed critically? In future, I suggest either you disable other bloggers from posting altogether, or just add the disclaimer 'clone-thinking people only need respond' at the top.
on Jul 11, 2007
'To Furry Canary: I cannot provide complete statistics but I suggest you read the report on prison populations at : www.blink.org.uk'

This website is 'the main communication channel of The 1990 Trust', which is described as 'the first national Black organisation set up to protect and pioneer the interest of Britain’s Black Communities.' Given this, I was fascinated by the very notion that it might provide support for your implied claim that 'Nigerians, Somalians, Ethiopians, Zimbabweans et al' are more criminal than the population at large.

So I was hardly gobsmacked when I failed to find any such report on the site. Can you be more specific, or did you just make it all up?
on Jul 11, 2007
" Why post your opinions on a public forum if you're not prepared to have them discussed critically.."

I think we've discussed them enough. I'm getting the impression that you are just trying to prove to the outside world how clever you are . Why don't you do a liitle research on immigrant populations and find out why Britain has such a high level of crime. I have never blacklisted anyone from my blog BUT IT IS MY BLOG and therefore I can decide what to do with it---so THIS THREAD IS CLOSED!
on Jul 11, 2007
No it's not. You see, I'm still posting.
on Jul 11, 2007
on Jul 11, 2007
on Jul 11, 2007
'Why don't you do a liitle research on immigrant populations ...'

You're the one making the claims, so the onus is on you to do this, not me. I merely asked whether there was any substance to your assertions. That's far from me trying to prove that I'm 'clever', and for you to suggest so merely makes you appear the opposite.

That you refuse to answer, but keep threatening instead to pick up your ball and go home in a sulk ... well, that speaks volumes.

'... find out why Britain has such a high level of crime.'

But how high? And high compared to where? Once again, if you're making an assertion, let's see some hard data to back it up. Otherwise, your comments are just so much hot air.


As CharlesSC1 illustrates above, It's no good merely issuing a diktat in your comments. You may know what you mean, but the thread doesn't. (Even if you SHOUT it in capital letters!) If that's really what you want, you need to explicitly disable further comment against this thread.

But rather than getting shirty and storming off in a huff, why not just - gasp - leave the thread open and actually present evidence to support your position? (If you can find any, of course!)
on Jul 12, 2007
"..why not leave the thread open...?

Ok, I'll leave it open --for Furry Canary and CharlesSC1 --if you like. Carry on, and don't forget that you have wandered off the original thread about the layman being over-policed and illegal immigrants being under-policed. Now you're in attack mode and I wonder whether you actually realise that a Blog is a personal statement, right or wrong.

I wonder too, whether you have your own statistics to back up your assertions. I assert that Britain's crime problems have been exascerbated by immigrants from every corner of the World (white or black). Just disprove it instead of harping on about my stand. Say to me that crime in Britain is a natural thing and is not caused by illegals, legal immigrants with low standards, housing estate drug gangs, imported prostitution, low-esteem white boys,a drug culture that is getting out of hand, and a police force that is vastly over-stretched. You do not even know what you are talking about.

So, come on, these are the problems. Can you solve them? If not,give reasons why crime in Britain is rife. You don't have an idea what I'm talking about.--you think it's a racist thing. Solve it all, clever Canary, then the UK would be perfect. And don't give aggressive answers with no substance, solve these problems!

And thanks for the points!
on Jul 12, 2007
'I wonder whether you actually realise that a Blog is a personal statement, right or wrong.'
You would rather be wrong but unchallenged? Why post your opinions on an open thread if you don't want to hear alternative views? As I said earlier, if that's really all you want, include a disclaimer inviting copycat thinkers only to respond. And wouldn't that be stimulating (yawn)?

'I wonder too, whether you have your own statistics to back up your assertions.'
Suggest you re-read my contributions; I haven't made any assertions, other than concerning Toxocariasis, where I supplied hard data to back it up. Rather, I've asked you to provide evidence - any evidence at all, no matter how slight - to back up your claims. And you appear unable or unwilling to do so.

'And don't give aggressive answers with no substance, solve these problems!'
It's the 'problems' that have no substance, not the responses. Until and unless you can demonstrate that these are real problems and not merely your personal prejudices, this is a completely fatuous line of response. You might as well assert that backyards in the UK contain such a glut of garden gnomes it is causing the island to sink into the North Sea, and demand that I solve that 'problem' too.

First of all, you have to prove that any such 'problem' actually exists. The more reluctant you are to even attempt to justify your claims, the more people are going to assume your opinions relate to 'problems' that don't exist outside your own head.
on Jul 12, 2007
Someone should write an article about the glut of garden gnomes causing the UK to sink into the North Sea and cite this thread, and ask people how to solve the problem.
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